With the home cinema and solar plans inching forward (at their own leisurely pace, of course) it’s time to think about how the villa will actually look and feel.
The excitement of choosing finishes, furniture, and layouts is only slightly overshadowed by the reality that every single decision seems to lead to an existential crisis.
Sofia and I are generally aligned on the big picture: we want a villa that blends Ibiza’s laid-back Mediterranean charm with a few modern comforts. But from the moment we started looking at materials and design inspiration, I realized just how much of a minefield this was going to be.
“Stone walls will keep it cool in summer,” Sofia pointed out while scrolling through rustic interior photos.
“Yes,” I nodded, “but glass doors will bring in more light.”
She raised an eyebrow. “So you want a greenhouse?”
It’s like this with nearly every item of the property we’re supposed to live in together. Shall I keep boring you with it? Yes, I’m afraid it’s cathartic.
Then there’s the furniture debate.
Sofia wants natural textures and soft linen upholstery, while I keep getting drawn to sleek, minimalist pieces that make everything look like a futuristic Bond villain’s hideout.
Compromise is proving tricky. Meanwhile, Leo and Eva have their own ideas, mostly centered around oversized beanbags and ‘secret’ nooks to hide in.
And let’s not forget functionality.
Ibiza summers are glorious, but without proper cooling, a house can turn into an oven. The solar panels will help with efficiency, but do we go all-in with a smart cooling system? Do we stick with traditional ceiling fans? How much technology is too much before the villa loses its relaxed vibe?
In the midst of all this, I’m also still trying to quit smoking, which means my stress levels are high and my patience for decision-making is low.
At this rate, I might just let Sofia take the reins on design and focus my energy on making sure there’s a comfortable spot for me to sit while I drink coffee and regret every major purchase we’ve made.
Again…that feels like the easy road.
But should I just roll over to make the other half happy? Should I fight for what I want? Honestly, I don’t even know anymore.
Decisions need to be made, but for now, I’ll settle for another deep dive into Pinterest and hope clarity strikes before we end up with a house that’s part Mediterranean retreat, part sci-fi lair.